Ekologický mikrodom slovenských dizajnérov chce riešiť bytovú krízu
Spočiatku cielia na rezorty, no chcú sa dostať k masám.
Kategórie: Veda v médiách
V minulosti spustošil Európu. Vedci zistili, že syfilis nemusel priniesť Kolumbus
Okolo syfilisu stále zostáva niekoľko záhad.
Kategórie: Veda v médiách
Vyzerá to tak, že Mesiac je starší, než sa doteraz predpokladalo
V štúdii uverejnenej v britskom vedeckom týždenníku Nature sa uvádza, že vzorky hornín z povrchu Mesiaca boli doteraz nesprávne interpretované.
Kategórie: Veda v médiách
Ako deaktivovať či zmazať účet na Facebooku a zachrániť fotky a správy
Krok po kroku sa dozviete, ako zmazať účet na Facebooku alebo dočasne deaktivovať svoje FB konto či Messenger. V článku nájdete aj tipy, ako obnoviť zrušený účet na Facebooku.
Kategórie: Veda v médiách
Nová štúdia naznačuje, že Mesiac je starší, ako sa doteraz predpokladalo
Vzorky hornín boli doteraz nesprávne interpretované.
Kategórie: Veda v médiách
P75 ECM factor!
User user3928 found a 75-digit prime factor of an XYYXF number using ECM. This is the
largest ECM factor found this year,
and the 8th largest of all time.
Kategórie: Novinky z projektov
Dvanásť rád, ako dávať lepšie darčeky podľa vedy
Pri dávaní darčekov nemá ísť iba o moment prekvapenia.
Kategórie: Veda v médiách
Prvýkrát vieme, že žili vedľa seba. Vedci objavili vzácne stopy dvoch druhov našich predkov
Žijeme v nezvyčajnej situácii.
Kategórie: Veda v médiách
Perseverance zvláda náročný terén na Marse. Opúšťa kráter Jezero
Úlohou prieskumného roveru bude preskúmanie iného druhu hornín.
Kategórie: Veda v médiách
Od Kolumbie k Zanzibaru. Vráskavec preplával rekordnú vzdialenosť
Podľa vedcov mohol mať dva motivačné dôvody.
Kategórie: Veda v médiách
Text lúštili ako puzzle. Nemecko hlási najstarší kresťanský nález severne od Álp
Prívesok ležal pri kostre muža.
Kategórie: Veda v médiách
Predstavuje plánovaný LNG terminál v bratislavskom prístave bezpečnostné riziko pre mesto?
Greenpeace kritizuje umiestnenie plánovaného LNG terminálu v Bratislave v tesnej blízkosti husto zaľudnených zón.
Kategórie: Veda v médiách
Results from Einstein@Home supernova remnant search published
The results of a new Einstein@Home search in public LIGO data have been published in The Astrophysical Journal: “Deep Einstein@Home search for Continuous Gravitational Waves from the Central Compact Objects in the Supernova Remnants Vela Jr. and G347.3-0.5 using LIGO public data”. The paper is also available on the arXiv preprint server.
Kategórie: Novinky z projektov
Predstavte si mesto, kde sa všetko prispôsobí vašim potrebám - od parkovania po zdravotníctvo
Chceli by ste žiť v meste, kde všetko funguje tak akosi rozumnejšie a efektívnejšie?
Kategórie: Veda v médiách
Číňania otestovali levitačný vlak, schopný dosiahnuť rýchlosť až 1 000 km/h
Nová generácia magnetických levitačných vlakov bola úspešne vyskúšaná v Číne v špeciálnom dvojkilometrovom tuneli.
Kategórie: Veda v médiách
Vedci objavili nový gén, ktorý zvyšuje fotosyntézu stromov a podporuje ich rast
S novým génom môžu stromy ale aj ďalšie rastliny rásť extrémne rýchlo. Podľa vedcov môže pomôcť bioekonomike.
Kategórie: Veda v médiách
Elon Musk alebo Čína? Kto bude prvý na Marse
(Ne)vedecký newsletter Tomáša Prokopčáka.
Kategórie: Veda v médiách
Thanks for supporting SixTrack at LHC@Home and updates
Dear volunteers,
All members of the SixTrack team would like to thank each of you for supporting our project at LHC@Home. The last weeks saw a significant increase in work load, and your constant help did not pause even during the Christmas holidays, which is something that we really appreciate!
As you know, we are interested in simulating the dynamics of the beam in ultra-relativistic storage rings, like the LHC. As in other fields of physics, the dynamics is complex, and it can be decomposed into a linear and a non-linear part. The former allows the expected performance of the machine to be at reach, whereas the latter might dramatically affect the stability of the circulating beam. While the former can be analysed with the computing power of a laptop, the latter requires BOINC, and hence you! In fact, we perform very large scans of parameter spaces to see how non-linearities affect the motion of beam particles in different regions of the beam phase space and for different values of key machine parameters. Our main observable is the dynamic aperture (DA), i.e. the boundary between stable, i.e. bounded, and unstable, i.e., unbounded, motion of particles.
The studies mainly target the LHC and its upgrade in luminosity, the so-called HL-LHC. Thanks to this new accelerator, by ~2035, the LHC will be able to deliver to experiments x10 more data than what is foreseen in the first 10/15y of operation of LHC in a comparable time. We are in full swing in designing the upgraded machine, and the present operation of the LHC is a unique occasion to benchmark our models and simulation results. The deep knowledge of the DA of the LHC is essential to properly tune the working point of the HL-LHC.
If you have crunched simulations named "workspace1_hl13_collision_scan_*" (Frederik), then you have helped us in mapping the effects of unavoidable magnetic errors expected from the new hardware of the HL-LHC on dynamic aperture, and identify the best working point of the machine and correction strategies. Tasks named like "w2_hllhc10_sqz700_Qinj_chr20_w2*" (Yuri) focus the attention onto the magnets responsible for squeezing the beams before colliding them; due to their prominent role, these magnets, very few in number, have such a big impact on the non-linear dynamics that the knobs controlling the linear part of the machine can offer relevant remedial strategies.
Many recent tasks are aimed at relating the beam lifetime to the dynamic aperture. The beam lifetime is a measured quantity that tells us how long the beams are going to stay in the machine, based on the current rate of losses. A theoretical model relating beam lifetime and dynamic aperture was developed; a large simulation campaign has started, to benchmark the model against plenty of measurements taken with the LHC in the past three years. One set of studies, named "w16_ats2017_b2_qp_0_ats2017_b2_QP_0_IOCT_0" (Pascal), considers as main source of non-linearities the unavoidable multipolar errors of the magnets, whereas tasks named as "LHC_2015*" (Javier) take into account the parasitic encounters nearby the collision points, i.e. the so called "long-range beam-beam effects".
One of our users (Ewen) is carrying out two studies thanks to your help. In 2017 DA was directly measured for the first time in the LHC at top energy, and nonlinear magnets on either side of ATLAS and CMS experiments were used to vary the DA. He wants to see how well the simulated DA compares to these measurements. The second study seeks to look systematically at how the time dependence of DA in simulation depends on the strength of linear transverse coupling, and the way it is generated in the machine. In fact, some previous simulations and measurements at injection energy have indicated that linear coupling between the horizontal and vertical planes can have a large impact on how the dynamic aperture evolves over time.
In all this, your help is fundamental, since you let us carry out the simulations and studies we are interested in, running the tasks we submit to BOINC. Hence, the warmest "thank you" to you all!
Happy crunching to everyone, and stay tuned!
Alessio and Massimo, for the LHC SixTrack team.
All members of the SixTrack team would like to thank each of you for supporting our project at LHC@Home. The last weeks saw a significant increase in work load, and your constant help did not pause even during the Christmas holidays, which is something that we really appreciate!
As you know, we are interested in simulating the dynamics of the beam in ultra-relativistic storage rings, like the LHC. As in other fields of physics, the dynamics is complex, and it can be decomposed into a linear and a non-linear part. The former allows the expected performance of the machine to be at reach, whereas the latter might dramatically affect the stability of the circulating beam. While the former can be analysed with the computing power of a laptop, the latter requires BOINC, and hence you! In fact, we perform very large scans of parameter spaces to see how non-linearities affect the motion of beam particles in different regions of the beam phase space and for different values of key machine parameters. Our main observable is the dynamic aperture (DA), i.e. the boundary between stable, i.e. bounded, and unstable, i.e., unbounded, motion of particles.
The studies mainly target the LHC and its upgrade in luminosity, the so-called HL-LHC. Thanks to this new accelerator, by ~2035, the LHC will be able to deliver to experiments x10 more data than what is foreseen in the first 10/15y of operation of LHC in a comparable time. We are in full swing in designing the upgraded machine, and the present operation of the LHC is a unique occasion to benchmark our models and simulation results. The deep knowledge of the DA of the LHC is essential to properly tune the working point of the HL-LHC.
If you have crunched simulations named "workspace1_hl13_collision_scan_*" (Frederik), then you have helped us in mapping the effects of unavoidable magnetic errors expected from the new hardware of the HL-LHC on dynamic aperture, and identify the best working point of the machine and correction strategies. Tasks named like "w2_hllhc10_sqz700_Qinj_chr20_w2*" (Yuri) focus the attention onto the magnets responsible for squeezing the beams before colliding them; due to their prominent role, these magnets, very few in number, have such a big impact on the non-linear dynamics that the knobs controlling the linear part of the machine can offer relevant remedial strategies.
Many recent tasks are aimed at relating the beam lifetime to the dynamic aperture. The beam lifetime is a measured quantity that tells us how long the beams are going to stay in the machine, based on the current rate of losses. A theoretical model relating beam lifetime and dynamic aperture was developed; a large simulation campaign has started, to benchmark the model against plenty of measurements taken with the LHC in the past three years. One set of studies, named "w16_ats2017_b2_qp_0_ats2017_b2_QP_0_IOCT_0" (Pascal), considers as main source of non-linearities the unavoidable multipolar errors of the magnets, whereas tasks named as "LHC_2015*" (Javier) take into account the parasitic encounters nearby the collision points, i.e. the so called "long-range beam-beam effects".
One of our users (Ewen) is carrying out two studies thanks to your help. In 2017 DA was directly measured for the first time in the LHC at top energy, and nonlinear magnets on either side of ATLAS and CMS experiments were used to vary the DA. He wants to see how well the simulated DA compares to these measurements. The second study seeks to look systematically at how the time dependence of DA in simulation depends on the strength of linear transverse coupling, and the way it is generated in the machine. In fact, some previous simulations and measurements at injection energy have indicated that linear coupling between the horizontal and vertical planes can have a large impact on how the dynamic aperture evolves over time.
In all this, your help is fundamental, since you let us carry out the simulations and studies we are interested in, running the tasks we submit to BOINC. Hence, the warmest "thank you" to you all!
Happy crunching to everyone, and stay tuned!
Alessio and Massimo, for the LHC SixTrack team.
Kategórie: Novinky z projektov
LHC@home down-time due to system updates
Tomorrow Wednesday 24/1, the LHC@home servers will be unavailable for a short period while our storage backend is taken down for a system update.
Today, Tuesday 23/1, some of the Condor servers that handle CMS, LHCb and Theory tasks will be down for a while. Regarding the on-going issues with upload of files, please refer to this thread.
Thanks for your understanding and happy crunching!
Today, Tuesday 23/1, some of the Condor servers that handle CMS, LHCb and Theory tasks will be down for a while. Regarding the on-going issues with upload of files, please refer to this thread.
Thanks for your understanding and happy crunching!
Kategórie: Novinky z projektov
Pozvánka na záverečný worksho projektu Společně do stratosféry
Hvězdárna Valašské Meziříčí, p. o. v spolupráci so Slovenskou organizáciou pre vesmírné aktivity, organizuje v dňoch 13. – 15.06.2014 záverečný workshop projektu SPOLEČNĚ DO STRATOSFÉRY, určený študentom stredných a vysokých skôl a ďalším záujemcom o problematiku.
Kategórie: Partnerské weby